Saturday, May 31, 2008

Grilled Dessert

So, the other day, I asked Z to go to the grocery store to pick something up for dinner, and she brought home some peaches for dessert. I'd never heard of grilled peaches, so I'll admit I was skeptical at first. Based on the number of different grilled peach recipes she was able to find, however, I was convinced it was, in fact, a real thing, so I went along with it. These turned out great. We had them with grilled pound cake, but I would imagine that they would go great with vanilla ice cream - especially with the syrup drizzled all over.

It turns out, these make a good breakfast too... (the morning lighting is better than in the one above)

Grilled Peaches (recipe adapted from "the internet")

4 tbs butter
1/4 c brown sugar
1/4 c amaretto (or rum)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
4-5 cloves
6 peaches - halved and pitted

Heat syrup ingredients (everything but peaches) in a small fry pan until sauce thickens while the grill preheats.
Grill peaches 3-5 minutes per side, basting with syrup
Served with grilled pound cake or vanilla ice cream and drizzle with remaining syrup

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